Transfer with luxury vehicles (MiniVan) and experienced linguists drivers from Thessaloniki to Village Nimfeo.
One of the 10 most beautiful villages in Europe (according to Unesco), is lying in 1350m altitude, in Vitsi and it is, without a doubt, a mountain discovery. Well preserved, traditional settlement, is surrounded by beech – trees, while cobblestoned paths and houses build of stone are reminding of village’s fluorishing past- all that and much more is Nimfeo (original name was Niveasta, which in Vlach language means Bride).
The old mansions were renovated and turned into traditional guests houses, friendly spots and shops with local products. The walks into beech-tree forest, mountain bike or riding, monuments like “The house of goldsmiths of Neveska” (the other name of the village), in one recently renovated, the Museum of silversmithing, goldsmithing, folklore and history, is set (Nimfeo has a long time tradition in silver and gold smithing dating from 1650. All this, put together, are the reason why the village is an ideal destination both for nature, tradition and history lovers. Surrondin area offers trips the Bear Habitat (Arcturus), to the lakes of Zazaria and Heimaditida, with its fishing villages and to the picturesque little villages in the mountains.